Find where the best jobs are
When you’re looking for a good job, it’s helpful to have a starting point to kick things off. Find where the best jobs are based on industry, job type, contract and location here.
These are all based on real hourly workers, who’ve shared what it’s actually like to do these jobs by taking the Breakroom Quiz.
By type of employer...
- Aerospace companies
- Airports
- Automakers
- Bakeries
- Banks
- Book shops
- Business consultants
- Business services
- Cafes
- Call and contact centres
- Car dealerships
- Casinos
- Casual dining restaurants
- Caterers
- Chemical manufacturers
- Construction
- Convenience stores
- Daycare providers
- Delivery companies
- Department stores
- DIY builders merchants
- Dog and animal training
- Electronics manufacturers
- Elementary and secondary schools
- Energy and utility
- Engineering
- Entertainment
- Facilities management
- Farming
- Fashion and textile manufacturers
- Fashion retailers
- Fast food restaurants
- Financial services
- Food and drinks producers
- Food delivery companies
- Food wholesalers
- Forestry and logging companies
- Furniture manufacturers
- Furniture retailers
- Golf clubs
- Grocery stores
- GYM and leisure clubs
- Hair and beauty
- Health and beauty retailers
- Healthcare providers
- Home improvement retailers
- Hospices
- Hospitals
- Hotels
- Insurance
- Laboratories
- Logistics
- Machine equipment manufacturers
- Manufacturers
- Military and defence
- Non-profit organizations
- OIL and gas companies
- Optical retailers
- Pet care providers
- Pharmacies
- Prisons
- Public administrative organizations
- Public sector bodies
- Public transport
- Real estate companies
- Repair and maintenance companies
- Restaurants
- Retail wholesalers
- Retailers
- Security
- Social care providers
- States
- Technology retailers
- Theme parks
- Thrift stores
- Travel
- Vehicle equipment hire