Dollar General
Dollar General is a retailer. They sell household goods, groceries, and personal care items at discounted prices.
dollargeneral.comRating based on 1,040 employees who took the Breakroom Quiz
About jobs at Dollar General
Needs improving
Most people don’t get paid breaks
Do workers at Dollar General get paid breaks?
No. Most people don’t get paid breaks.
How we know this
88% of people say they don’t get paid breaks.Based on data from 724 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between November 2024 and February 2025.
Why this matters
Good jobs pay you for your break time.
You should get paid for all the time you’re at work, even when you’re on break.
Needs improving
Most people don’t get paid sick leave
Does Dollar General give paid sick leave?
No. Most people don’t get paid leave when they’re sick.
How we know this
85% of people say they wouldn’t get paid if they were sick but scheduled to work.Based on data from 985 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between November 2024 and February 2025.
Why this matters
Most US companies don’t have to pay you when you’re sick - only some states require it.
But we believe a good job should pay you when you can’t work because you’re sick. Everyone gets sick sometimes.
Most people don’t do unpaid extra work
Do workers at Dollar General do extra work that they don't get paid for?
Rarely. Most people don’t do unpaid extra work.
How we know this
72% of people report that they don’t do extra unpaid work.Based on data from 938 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between November 2024 and February 2025.
Why this matters
You should be paid for all the work you do.
A good job pays you for every minute you spend working for your employer.
Hours and flexibility
Needs improving
Less than 4 weeks notice of work schedule
How far ahead of time do people find out their work schedule?
Most people find out their schedule less than four weeks ahead of time.
How we know this
- 46% of people with changing schedules find out their shifts one week or less ahead of time.
- 51% of people with changing schedules find out their shifts two weeks ahead of time.
- 3% of people with changing schedules find out their shifts three weeks ahead of time.
- 0% of people with changing schedules find out their shifts four weeks or more ahead of time.
Based on data from 997 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between November 2024 and February 2025.
Why this matters
We believe your workplace should tell you your schedule at least 4 weeks ahead of time.
You need to know when you’ll be working so you can plan your life and know how much money you’ll earn.
Some people worry about their hours
Do workers at Dollar General worry about hours?
Some people worry about getting enough hours.
How we know this
62% of people report they worry about getting enough hours.Based on data from 867 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between November 2024 and February 2025.
Why this matters
A good employer should give you the hours you need each week.
You shouldn’t have to struggle or beg for work time.
Only some people can choose their shifts
Do Dollar General workers get to choose the shifts they work?
Some people don’t get to choose which shifts they work.
How we know this
47% report that they don’t have enough control over which shifts they work.Based on data from 874 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between November 2024 and February 2025.
Why this matters
A good job is flexible around your personal life. This means you get a say in when you prefer to work.
Can be hard to change shifts
How easy is it for Dollar General workers to change shifts?
Some people find it hard to change shifts.
How we know this
59% of people report that it’s hard to change shifts if they need to.Based on data from 741 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between November 2024 and February 2025.
Why this matters
A good job works with your personal life.
It should be easy to change your schedule when you need to - both for emergencies and when you’re planning ahead.
Can be hard to get time off
How easy is it to get time off at Dollar General?
Some people find it hard to get time off.
How we know this
63% of people report it’s hard to get time off.Based on data from 735 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between November 2024 and February 2025.
Why this matters
A good job should let you use your vacation time when you need it, and it shouldn’t be a hassle to arrange.
Schedules can get changed at the last minute
Do Dollar General managers change schedules at the last minute?
Some managers change people’s schedules at the last minute.
How we know this
48% of people say their manager changes their shift schedule at the last minute.Based on data from 951 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between November 2024 and February 2025.
Why this matters
If your bosses keep changing your schedule at the last minute, that shows they aren’t planning well.
Good jobs don’t switch your hours around without warning.
Some people find it hard to take sick leave
How easy is it to take sick leave at Dollar General?
Some people find it hard to take sick leave.
How we know this
65% of people report that it’s hard to take time off if they are sick.Based on data from 872 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between November 2024 and February 2025.
Why this matters
Everyone gets sick sometimes.
You should be able to stay home when you need to get better.
A good job should make it easy to take sick time and have clear steps for letting them know you’re sick.
Only some students say it’s good
Is a Dollar General job good for students?
Only some students say this is a good place to work if you’re studying.
How we know this
48% of students report this isn’t a good place to work if you’re studying.Based on data from 123 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between November 2024 and February 2025.
Only some parents say it’s good
Is working at Dollar General good if you’re a parent or caregiver?
Only some parents and caregivers say this is a good place to work.
How we know this
66% of people who care for a child or other relative report this isn’t a good place to work.Based on data from 275 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between November 2024 and February 2025.
Why this matters
A good job should understand when you need to take care of your kids or help sick family members. Your work should respect your family needs.
Needs improving
Part-time workers don’t get health insurance
Do part-time workers at Dollar General get health insurance?
Most people who work part-time don't get health insurance.
How we know this
78% of people who work fewer than 30 hours a week say they don't get health insurance.Based on data from 309 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between November 2024 and February 2025.
Why this matters
Everyone needs medical care sometimes, but it costs a lot.
We believe all workers should get health insurance, no matter how many hours they work or what kind of job they have.
Most people feel treated with respect
Do people at Dollar General feel treated with respect by their managers?
Most people feel treated with respect by their managers.
How we know this
70% of people say they’re treated with respect by their managers.Based on data from 896 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between November 2024 and February 2025.
Why this matters
Your boss should treat you with respect.
No one at work should bully you or treat you unfairly.
If you have a problem, you should be able to talk to someone else who can help.
Only some people get breaks without interruption
Do people at Dollar General get to take their breaks without interruption?
Only some people get breaks without interruption.
How we know this
60% of people report that their breaks get interrupted.Based on data from 822 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between November 2024 and February 2025.
Why this matters
When you take a break it should be a proper rest. You should be able to do what you want to and not get pulled off it early.
Needs improving
Most people are stressed out
Is it stressful to work at Dollar General?
Most people feel stressed out here.
How we know this
81% of people say they often feel stressed out at work.Based on data from 975 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between November 2024 and February 2025.
Why this matters
Work can be hard sometimes, but you shouldn’t feel stressed all the time.
Your boss should make sure there are enough people and resources to get the work done without feeling overwhelmed.
Only some people enjoy their job
Do people at Dollar General enjoy their jobs?
Only some people enjoy their job.
How we know this
50% of people report they don’t enjoy their job.Based on data from 794 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between November 2024 and February 2025.
Only some people recommend their team
Do people at Dollar General recommend working with their team?
Only some people recommend working with their team.
How we know this
63% of people report that they wouldn’t recommend working with their immediate team to a friend.Based on data from 1,030 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between November 2024 and February 2025.
Why this matters
The people you work with every day are important. They can make the difference between a bad day and a good one.
Only some people get enough training
Do people get enough training when they start at Dollar General?
Some people didn’t get enough training when they started.
How we know this
60% of people report they didn’t get enough training when they started working here.Based on data from 970 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between November 2024 and February 2025.
Why this matters
A good job should train you well from your first day, not just throw you into the deep end.
Nobody can do their job well without proper training at the start.
Only some people get support to advance
Do people get support to advance at Dollar General?
Only some people are given support to advance their career here.
How we know this
In the last year, 62% of people report not being given support to advance their career here.Based on data from 896 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between November 2024 and February 2025.
Why this matters
A good job should help you grow, if you want to.
This could mean getting better at your current job, learning new things, becoming a team leader, or taking on more duties.
This helps you build skills and earn more money.
Needs improving
Headquarters doesn't understand what's happening
Do people think Dollar General’s headquarters understands what’s happening where they work?
Most people think headquarters doesn’t understand what’s happening where they work.
How we know this
92% of people think that this employer’s headquarters or owners don’t have a good understanding of what’s really happening where they work.Based on data from 971 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between November 2024 and February 2025.
Why this matters
In a good job, the people running the organisation should support the workers who do the hands-on work.
To do this well, they need to know what’s really happening at each location.
This is extra important when an organisation has many different sites.
Needs improving
Most people don’t feel well informed by headquarters
Do workers feel well informed about how Dollar General is doing?
Most people don’t feel well informed about how the company is doing.
How we know this
69% of people feel that they aren’t kept well informed about how the company is doing as a whole.Based on data from 917 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between November 2024 and February 2025.
Why this matters
A good employer shares news with all its workers.
You should know how your employer is doing - both the good news and the problems.
Managers should keep you updated about what’s happening.
How Dollar General ranks
Dollar General ranks joint 220th to work for out of retailers.
- 212= Gabe's
- 220= Dollar General
- 220= 7-Eleven
Rankings are based on Breakroom Ratings for employers with 20 or more Breakroom Quiz responses, accurate as of 16 February 2025.
Dollar General job reviews
Best thing
My team are super nice to work with. You get a paid 15 minute break every 4 hours you work, an unpaid 30 minute break for 6 hours, and an unpaid hour break every 8 hours. Those are the only benefits.
Worst thing
Dollar General does not care about you, the employee. They only care about what’s best to fill their pockets. Upper management has constant demands. We had broken automatic sliding doors that were not fixed for three months and were only fixed once customers complained about opening the doors themselves. Employees are not given enough benefits, pay, or hell, discounts. I would NOT recommend working at dollar general.
Dollar General Sales Associate, January 2025
Best thing
Working with local customers
Worst thing
Learning most of the difficult computer on your own. Let aline two of them, with thir own rules, and you must know where everything is, even when the store constantly changes. Learn quick how to be nice, even when screamed at or disrespected. You need to call a key holder or manager on duty for anything that needs numbers put in, because you can NOT do it yourself. They will become frustrated with you for following the rules. You can not do many things in your own due to your lower position not having the numbers for the computer, you and NOT under any circumstances allowed to use simile else's numbers to do that job at hand even if given permission by that person.
Dollar General Sales Associate, January 2025