How much do waiters in Belfast get paid?

Waiters in Belfast earn

£6.00-10.50 per hour

Based on 31 employee reviews

Waiter salaries can range between £6.00-10.50 per hour in the Belfast area. This data is based on quiz results from 31 employees who live in and around Belfast.

What do top employers pay waiters?

How are people paid?

By the hour 100% of people report they get paid by the hour.

Based on 31 employees

What contracts are people on?

Zero hours 81% report having zero hours contracts.

Based on 31 employees

What do waiters do?

Waiters and waitresses have the job of serving customers food and drinks.

They can work in restaurants, cafes or in private events that have catering.

Other names for waiters and waitresses are:

  • Wait staff
  • Server

The type of job might involve:

  • Greeting customers
  • Taking customers to their table and giving them a menu
  • Taking orders
  • Serving food and drinks
  • Taking payments
  • Cleaning up tables and resetting for the next customers

You might be on your feet a lot and have to work long shifts.

You may have to work late nights, on weekends and bank holidays.

This job is entry level.

If you want to apply for a wait staff job, you might need the following:

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