How much do teaching assistants in Birmingham get paid?

Teaching assistants in Birmingham earn

£7.55-13.36 per hour

Based on 64 employee reviews

Teaching assistant salaries can range between £7.55-13.36 per hour in the Birmingham area. This data is based on quiz results from 64 employees who live in and around Birmingham.

What do top employers pay teaching assistants?

How are people paid?

by the hour
an annual salary

Based on 64 employees

What contracts are people on?

42% report having zero hours contracts.
2% report having low hours contracts. (less than 16 hours)
40% report having part time contracts. (16-35 hours)
16% report having full time contracts. (more than 35 hours)

Based on 43 employees

What do teaching assistants do?

Teaching assistants have the job of helping teachers and pupils in the classroom.

Other names for teaching assistants are:

  • Classroom assistants
  • Learning support assistants
  • TAs

You can work in a school or a nursery.

This type of job may involve:

  • Working directly with children who may need extra help
  • Leading reading, writing or maths activities in small groups
  • Setting up and tidying the classroom
  • Helping manage children’s behaviour
  • Creating displays in the classroom
  • Looking after children on school trips

If you want to apply for a teaching assistant job, you might need the following:

Being a teaching assistant can also be a stepping stone to becoming a teacher.

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