How much do nursing assistants in Bristol get paid?

Nursing assistants in Bristol earn

£9.72-19.35 per hour

Based on 12 employee reviews

Nursing assistant salaries can range between £9.72-19.35 per hour in the Bristol area. This data is based on quiz results from 12 employees who live in and around Bristol.

What do top employers pay nursing assistants?

Who are the worst nursing assistant employers?

  1. HC One
  2. Spire Healthcare
  3. The Priory Group

Recent nursing assistant Jobs in Bristol

See all nursing assistant jobs in the Bristol area

How are people paid?

by the hour
an annual salary

Based on 12 employees

What do nursing assistants do?

Nursing assistants have the job of helping to look after people who are unwell, are hurt or have disabilities.

A lot of work they do helps support the work that nurses do.

Other names for nursing assistants are:

  • Healthcare assistants
  • Nursing auxiliaries
  • Support workers

You may work in:

  • A doctor’s surgery
  • An NHS hospital
  • A private hospital
  • A care home
  • A hospice

This type of job may involve:

  • Building trust and reassurance with patients
  • Helping patients get more comfortable
  • Taking temperatures and other routine tests
  • Helping patients get washed and dressed
  • Helping patients use the toilet
  • Helping patients eat
  • Helping safely move patients
  • Making hospital beds

You may have to work early mornings, late nights, on weekends and bank holidays.

You’ll also be on your feet a lot.

If you want to apply for a nursing assistant job, you might need the following:

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