How much do crew members in Bristol get paid?

Crew members in Bristol earn

£8.00-11.30 per hour

Based on 62 employee reviews

Crew member salaries can range between £8.00-11.30 per hour in the Bristol area. This data is based on quiz results from 62 employees who live in and around Bristol.

What do top employers pay crew members?

Who are the worst crew member employers?

  1. SIDES
  2. Popeyes
  3. Auntie Annes

How are people paid?

By the hour 100% of people report they get paid by the hour.

Based on 62 employees

What contracts are people on?

54% report having zero hours contracts.
10% report having low hours contracts. (less than 16 hours)
31% report having part time contracts. (16-35 hours)
5% report having full time contracts. (more than 35 hours)

Based on 59 employees

What do crew members do?

Fast food team members have the job of serving customers and preparing food in a fast food restaurant.

Another name for a fast food team member is:

  • Crew member

This type of job may involve:

  • Serving customers
  • Using a till
  • Preparing food quickly
  • Washing and preparing ingredients
  • Unpacking deliveries into the storeroom
  • Cleaning and maintaining hygiene in the kitchen and front of house
  • Washing dishes
  • Getting food orders ready for food delivery drivers

You may be on your feet a lot, and you may work long shifts.

You might have to work late nights, on weekends and bank holidays.

Fast food team member is an entry level job.

If you want to apply for a fast food team member job, you might need the following:

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