How much do carpenters and joiners in Nottingham get paid?

Carpenters and joiners in Nottingham earn

£6.08-20.00 per hour

Based on 22 employee reviews

Carpenter or joiner salaries can range between £6.08-20.00 per hour in the Nottingham area. This data is based on quiz results from 22 employees who live in and around Nottingham.

What do top employers pay carpenters and joiners?

Who are the worst carpenter or joiner employers?

  1. Carpenters Group
  2. Persimmon
  3. Mears

Recent carpenter or joiner Jobs in Nottingham

  1. Multi-Trade Operative at Ian Williams posted 1 month ago
See all carpenter or joiner jobs in the Nottingham area

How are people paid?

by the hour
an annual salary

Based on 22 employees

What contracts are people on?

Full time 100% report having full time contracts. (more than 35 hours)

Based on 13 employees

What do carpenters and joiners do?

Carpenters and joiners have the job of making wooden things.

This includes furniture, floorboards, doors and other types of fittings.

You might work in a workshop, on a construction site or in a client’s home/business.

Carpenters can also work on sets for theatre, TV and film.

Other names for carpenters and joiners are:

  • Bench joiners

This type of job might involve:

  • Following plans and instructions
  • Ordering building materials
  • Repairing and replacing damaged wood
  • Using specialist equipment and power tools to cut wood with
  • Fitting, assembling and installing kitchens, shop interiors, staircases, window frames and/or roof timbers
  • Working at heights

You may have to work in the evenings or over weekends.

If you want to apply for a carpenter or joiner job, you might need the following:

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