How much do bus and coach drivers in Portsmouth get paid?

Bus and coach drivers in Portsmouth earn

£11.25-14.00 per hour

Based on 39 employee reviews

Bus or coach driver salaries can range between £11.25-14.00 per hour in the Portsmouth area. This data is based on quiz results from 39 employees who live in and around Portsmouth.

Who are the worst bus or coach driver employers?

  1. Moffat & Williamson
  2. TM Travel
  3. Barnes Coaches

How are people paid?

By the hour 97% of people report they get paid by the hour.

Based on 39 employees

What contracts are people on?

Full time 94% report having full time contracts. (more than 35 hours)

Based on 36 employees

What do bus and coach drivers do?

Bus and coach drivers have the job of driving buses or coaches.

Buses are used by the public. Coaches tend to be privately hired.

Other names for bus and coach drivers are:

  • PCV drivers
  • Drivers
  • Class 1 drivers

This type of job might involve:

  • Driving locally, across the country or to other countries
  • Driving short or long journeys
  • Taking card payments from passengers
  • Driving and arriving to destinations on-time

You may have to work early mornings, late nights, on weekends and bank holidays.

You can apply for this job directly.

Unless you have previous experience, you can do Passenger Carrying Vehicle (PCV) training whilst you work.

If you want to apply for a bus or coach driver job, you might need the following:

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