How much do administration officers in Portsmouth get paid?

Administration officers in Portsmouth earn

£10.42-14.68 per hour

Based on 138 employee reviews

administration officer salaries can range between £10.42-14.68 per hour in the Portsmouth area. This data is based on quiz results from 138 employees who live in and around Portsmouth.

What do top employers pay administration officers?

Who are the worst administration officer employers?

  1. The Range
  2. New Look
  3. Morrisons

How are people paid?

by the hour
an annual salary

Based on 138 employees

What contracts are people on?

10% report having low hours contracts. (less than 16 hours) 55% report having part time contracts. (16-35 hours) 35% report having full time contracts. (more than 35 hours)

Based on 31 employees

What do administration officers do?

Administrators have the job of supporting people who work in an office.

They tend to work in offices and receptions.

Other names for administrators are:

  • Admin assistants
  • Administrative assistants
  • Office administrators
  • Admin support assistants
  • Clerks

This type of job might involve:

  • Greeting visitors
  • Being a point of contact for a certain department or business
  • Answering queries on the phone, over email or on social media
  • Typing up reports and documents
  • Updating records
  • Printing off or photocopy documents
  • Arranging travel and hotel bookings
  • Arranging meetings and any catering that is needed
  • Taking notes during meetings
  • Ordering office and stationery supplies

This is an entry level job.

If you want to apply for an administrator job, you might need the following:

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