Tim Hortons

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Tim Hortons is a coffee shop company. They serve Canadian-style coffee.


Tim Hortons pay 2024

124 people who work at Tim Hortons have taken the Breakroom Quiz. Here's everything they told us about pay per hour, pay by age, and more.

How much do Tim Hortons pay per hour?

This table shows how pay rates at Tim Hortons compare across the different types of jobs they offer.

Job Tim Hortons pay
Team member 29 jobs £5.90-9.86 per hour

Based on data from 37 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between June 2022 and June 2024.

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There are currently 32 job openings at Tim Hortons across the UK

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What do Tim Hortons pay different age groups?

This table shows how hourly pay rates at Tim Hortons vary between age groups.

Age group Tim Hortons pay per hour Legal minimum wage
16-17 £5.38-6.85 per hour £6.40
18-20 £6.82-9.03 per hour £8.60
21 and over £9.46-11.15 per hour £11.44

What is the Real Living Wage?

The Real Living Wage is a voluntary rate employers can sign up to that is based on the real cost of living.

Location Real Living Wage
London £13.15
Rest of the UK £12.00

Find Tim Hortons jobs near you

There are currently 32 job openings at Tim Hortons across the UK

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Do Tim Hortons pay breaks?

No. Most people don’t get paid breaks at Tim Hortons.

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Last updated 26 August 2024

Do Tim Hortons pay by the hour or annually?

People get paid by the hour at Tim Hortons.

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Last updated 26 August 2024

Do Tim Hortons pay enough to live on?

Most people are not paid a living wage at Tim Hortons.

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Last updated 11 May 2024

Do Tim Hortons pay market rates?

Most people are paid less than average for their job at Tim Hortons.

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Last updated 26 August 2024

Do Tim Hortons pay minimum wage?

Yes. Most people are paid above the minimum wage at Tim Hortons.

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Last updated 26 August 2024

Do Tim Hortons pay sick pay?

No. Most people don’t get proper sick pay at Tim Hortons.

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Last updated 26 August 2024

Do workers at Tim Hortons do extra work that they don't get paid for?

Sometimes. Some people do unpaid extra work at Tim Hortons.

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Last updated 26 August 2024