Sterling Furniture

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Sterling Furniture is a furniture retailer. They sell sofas, beds, dining and garden furniture.

Rating based on 13 employees who took the Breakroom Quiz

How Sterling Furniture ranks

Sterling Furniture ranks 4th to work for out of furniture retailers.

  1. 3 Dams Furniture
  2. 4 Sterling Furniture
  3. 5 BoConcept

Rankings are based on Breakroom Ratings for employers with 5 or more Breakroom Quiz responses, accurate as of 24 January 2025.

Sterling Furniture job reviews

  • Best thing

    I enjoy the job for the most part but….

    Worst thing

    Working 6 days in a week is just not necessary what so ever.


    Sterling Furniture Sales advisor, July 2023

  • Best thing

    Late start, always the same hours and days

    Worst thing

    Lunch is too short, the heating is bad, getting a holiday can be a nightmare


    Sterling Furniture Sales assistant, February 2021