St Andrews Healthcare

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St Andrews Healthcare is a charity that specialises in mental health services. They work alongside the NHS.

St Andrews Healthcare job reviews

Showing 7 reviews

  • Best thing

    The team

    Worst thing

    Pay, hours, unsafe conditions, poor senior management, lack of trained competent staff


    St Andrews Healthcare Senior HCA, April 2023

  • Best thing

    Time off

    Worst thing

    No breaks , short staffed


    St Andrews Healthcare Receptionist, April 2023

  • Best thing

    If with the right team it’s a wonderful family environment where you all support each other.

    Worst thing

    High management make decisions and changes without having any consideration how it effects those of us on the actual wards, they care about making money not patient care.


    St Andrews Healthcare Healthcare assistant, October 2022

  • Best thing

    I feel good because i know im there to help to someone 😌

    Worst thing

    Coworkers treat you like you are not worthy like human


    St Andrews Healthcare Employee, August 2022

  • Best thing

    Work colleagues

    Worst thing

    Long shifts


    St Andrews Healthcare Carer, April 2022

  • Want to reply to reviews as an employer? Claim your profile
  • Best thing

    The patients, holiday and sick pay.

    Worst thing

    Management are bias and we run in short staffing all the time. Also the pay is rubbish in comparison to the NHS.


    St Andrews Healthcare Healthcare assistant, June 2021

  • Best thing

    My job has many varied needs that I must fulfil making every day a little different and unpredictable. Although this makes it sometimes very dangerous helping others is very rewarding.

    Worst thing

    The high risk working on your nerves all the time and the lack of upper management nderstanding of what the problems on the wards actually are putting profit ahead of safety.


    St Andrews Healthcare Healthcare assistant, February 2021