Somerset Passenger Solutions

Claimed profile

Good news! Somerset Passenger Solutions has claimed their Breakroom profile.

They care about what their frontline employees think and want to be a good employer.


Somerset Passenger Solutions is a passenger transport service that works with the construction industry.

Rating based on 20 employees who took the Breakroom Quiz

How Somerset Passenger Solutions ranks

Somerset Passenger Solutions ranks joint 72nd to work for out of public transport providers.

  1. 72= Stagecoach
  2. 72= Somerset Passenger Solutions
  3. 74= DFDS

Rankings are based on Breakroom Ratings for employers with 5 or more Breakroom Quiz responses, accurate as of 16 January 2025.

Somerset Passenger Solutions job reviews

  • Best thing

    The promises they make at the interviews

    Worst thing

    55+ hours a week is standard. Swapping from days to nights without asking. Culture of finger pointing and blame. Guilty until proven innocent. 14+ hr days as standard with 9hr turnaround 5+ days in a row


    Somerset Passenger Solutions Driver, January 2025

  • Best thing

    Startup culture; lots of innovation and implementation of new ideas. Opportunity to work on largest construction project in Europe and contirbute to clean energy for the UK.

    Worst thing

    Short deadlines and demanding customers. Main site is quite remote.


    Somerset Passenger Solutions Senior support worker, January 2023