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DismissPrimark is a retailer. They sell homeware, beauty products, and fashion for women, men and children. job reviews
Showing 352 reviews
Best thing
the colleagues
Worst thing
poor management, sometime big workload
Primark Retail assistant, December 2024
Best thing
The people that I work with. The work isn't difficult.
Worst thing
Dealing with a lot of customers. A lot is expected of you and it can become overwhelming.
Primark Retail assistant, November 2024
Best thing
Every day it can be different
Worst thing
They’re no helping you to progress
Primark Retail assistant, November 2024
Best thing
Good company
Worst thing
Not paid breaks
Primark Team member, October 2024
Best thing
Work with really good people, decent pay for what we do as well.
Worst thing
Can become overwhelming and stressful, sometimes running a department solo.
Primark Retail assistant, September 2024
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Best thing
The company really cares about its people and realises that it doesn’t run without you all.
Worst thing
Rude customers
Primark Team manager, September 2024
Best thing
Staff, friendly customers, busy, keeps you going. Friendly atmosphere.
Worst thing
Stressful when it's crazy busy, customers shouting at you, impatient and rude customers.
Primark Customer service assistant, August 2024
Best thing
my coworkers, the pay
Worst thing
how stressful it can be, the unrealistic expectations from managers, how unnoticed hard work is
Primark Retail assistant, August 2024
Best thing
I get to talk to people everyday
Worst thing
I don't get paid enough and the air quality was poor.
Primark Retail assistant, June 2024
Best thing
The other retail staff are so friendly and lovely
Worst thing
The managers attitudes to the staff, and the excess of work we have to do
Primark Retail assistant, June 2024
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Best thing
my colleagues
Worst thing
the managers and amount of work they expect us to get done
Primark Sales assistant, June 2024
Best thing
The team work
Worst thing
How much work you have to pick up if someone isn’t pulling their weight
Primark Team manager, June 2024
Best thing
Good pay, schedule is set in advance, clock out on time and nice colleagues
Worst thing
Repetitive, hard to change shift times or where in store you're scheduled to work
Primark Retail assistant, May 2024
Best thing
the people and managers and some customers- the pay is also very good for what we do i don’t feel overworked
Worst thing
aggressive customers and short unpaid breaks
Primark Retail assistant, May 2024
Best thing
I am learning & interacting with people which gives me more confidence to get communicated with different kind of people in a day
Worst thing
Nothing much
Primark Retail assistant, May 2024
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Best thing
My coworkers, they’re all friendly and really nice people
Worst thing
Some of the managers, they can speak to you rudely and be passive aggressive
Primark Retail assistant, May 2024
Best thing
Probably the People you meet
Worst thing
How busy it gets
Primark Retail assistant, April 2024
Best thing
Its a good job for students who want sometbing easy to do
Worst thing
it can get fairly tedious and boring
Primark Retail assistant, April 2024
Best thing
The people I Work with
Worst thing
The Customers, Being on the tills for long hours without seating
Primark Retail assistant, April 2024
Best thing
Getting to chat to nice customers. I enjoy organising stock.
Worst thing
Uncleanliness overall in primark and how hot it it. I further dislike folding as no matter how much try it will look a mess
Primark Till Staff, April 2024
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Best thing
Tills because it's goes fast
Worst thing
The customers
Primark Retail assistant, April 2024
Best thing
Staff are lovely
Pay is okayWorst thing
Being on your feet all dayPrimark Store colleague, April 2024
Best thing
That some of my colleagues ares nice
Worst thing
I get yelled at my managers and they've made promises to up my hours but it kept getting broken
Primark Retail assistant, March 2024
Best thing
Friends I made
Worst thing
Thr managers treat you with little respect and talk down to you when most of them were employees when they started
Primark Returns, March 2024
Best thing
Good pay, good hours for a student, rota never changes, good staff
Worst thing
Managers are sometimes unfair, sometimes not on the same page, job can be extremely boring
Primark Retail assistant, January 2024
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Best thing
Friends I have made there.
Worst thing
Get treated like shit there, managers don’t listen to you, you ask for help and get nothing. They don’t check on you to see if everything is ok.
Primark Employee, January 2024
Best thing
The colleagues I work with
Worst thing
The customers can be horrible any contract doesn't have nearly enough hours
Primark Retail assistant, December 2023
Best thing
My colleagues
Loads of overtime available
The pay (especially for under 18s)
The nice managersWorst thing
The rude managers (specifically the store manager)
The stress/pressure put on youPrimark Retail assistant, December 2023
Best thing
good pay
good discount
Some coworkers are lovelyWorst thing
Managers tend to not do anything to help
Customers can be rude
Only get discount in your own storePrimark Sales assistant, December 2023
Best thing
The colleagues
Worst thing
lack of communication , non-flexible hours
Primark Retail assistant, December 2023
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Best thing
Loads of overtime available, good pay
Worst thing
Managers don’t treat you with respect.
Primark Retail assistant, December 2023
Best thing
Lots of people my age
Worst thing
Store manager, hard to change shifts
Primark Sales assistant, December 2023
Best thing
I work with some great people. Managers were all formerly sales assistants so they know the problems that arise. Plenty of opportunities to give feedback and receive recognition
Worst thing
Angry customers! Sometimes manager shortages mean there is a long wait before someone arrives to assist.
Primark Retail assistant, November 2023
Best thing
the poeple i work with
Primark Retail assistant, November 2023
Best thing
Easy job cause its just tidying up
Worst thing
It's boring and not really anything important
Primark Retail assistant, October 2023
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Best thing
Worst thing
Understaffed n quite heavy job rails etc don't get help when it is needed
Primark Returns Team, October 2023
Best thing
The payment
Making friends
No days is ever the sameWorst thing
Some mangers
No sick payPrimark Sales assistant, October 2023
Best thing
Never bored friendly atmosphere, you can go on to better yourself
Worst thing
Customers disrespect sometimes
Primark Sales assistant, October 2023
Best thing
The other staff
Worst thing
Some managers are awful
Primark Sales assistant, September 2023
Best thing
Old contract dont work weekends
Worst thing
Underpaid for length of service
Primark Stockroom Assistant, September 2023
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Best thing
My colleagues
Worst thing
Customers, repetitive nature of the work which leads to it being tedious
Primark Sales assistant, September 2023
Best thing
Being a full timer you get a lot of responsibility which can be good. You get regular breaks if working 9 hours
Worst thing
Store manager can be overbearing and is not a people person.
Primark Retail assistant, August 2023
Best thing
I work weekends so it’s basically all students and we all talk to each other and are really friendly. Primark’s the type of place where you never know what happens so it’s always something new every day
Worst thing
Customers are sometimes rude. Customers are crazy here
Primark Retail assistant, August 2023
Best thing
There is plenty of space for progression if you are willing to learn and sacrifice some of your free time
Worst thing
As a retail store the number of theft rising drastically, including instances of physical violence.
Other would be lack of respect from the side of customers. They act different while shopping in Primark vs different brands.Primark Department Manager, August 2023
Best thing
The best things are the people, and a few friendly managers at the store. You get 15% discount too.
Worst thing
Some managers can be overbearing and nitpick. Sometimes you get put on a zone that no one has been on for the whole day so it is a complete mess and you are expected to clear it on your own. Sometimes you get assigned more than one zone which is impossible to keep tidy alone.
Primark Retail assistant, August 2023
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Best thing
Meeting the really nice customers and having nice and fun chats with managers.
Worst thing
Being on my feet all day.
Primark Retail assistant, July 2023
Best thing
Easy money
Worst thing
Managers can ask to much of one person
Primark Retail assistant, July 2023
Best thing
the people and the pay. very generous breaks
Worst thing
the lighting in there and how loud it is makes me always have a headache and feel sick every single shift. i only received training for tills, when i'm doing anything else i feel lost and embarrassed. you aren't allowed to email in sick you have to call, and it needs to be an hour before your shift- a real nightmare when i was in hospital and just wanted to sleep all day
Primark Retail assistant, July 2023
Best thing
Deliveries, tills, returns
Worst thing
Tidying the store, dealing with unhappy customers, had to stay in work for up to 15 mins or such when my shift ends
Primark Retail assistant, July 2023
Best thing
Ive made a lot of friends
Worst thing
Managers have favourite workers
Primark Retail assistant, June 2023