Medical Protection Society

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The Medical Protection Society is a not-for-profit protection organisation. They assist doctors, dentists and healthcare professionals with with legal troubles.

Rating based on 14 employees who took the Breakroom Quiz

About jobs at Medical Protection Society

Hours and flexibility

  • Easy to book holiday

    How easy is it to book a holiday at Medical Protection Society?

    Most people find it easy to book holiday.

    How we know this

    73% of people report it’s easy to book holidays.

    Based on data from 11 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between June 2022 and February 2024.

    Why this matters

    A good job should let you take time off when you need it, and it shouldn’t be a nightmare to arrange.

  • Good
  • Most people find it easy to take sick leave

    How easy is it to take sick leave at Medical Protection Society?

    Most people find it easy to take sick leave.

    How we know this

    82% of people report that it’s easy to take time off if they are sick.

    Based on data from 11 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between June 2022 and February 2024.

    Why this matters

    Everyone gets sick sometimes. You should be able to take time off when you need to.

    A good job should support you when you’re unwell and have systems in place that will allow you to take time off to recover when you need it.


  • Only some people get enough training

    Do people get enough training when they start at Medical Protection Society?

    Some people did’t get enough training when they started.

    How we know this

    40% of people report they didn’t get enough training when they started working here.

    Based on data from 10 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between June 2022 and February 2024.

    Why this matters

    A good job should give you good training when you start, not just drop you in at the deep end.

    This means that you’ll be happier and more productive from day one and shows that your employer values you.

    It’s also very important if your job involves anything that could be dangerous. Good training from the outset keeps you and your team safe.

  • Good
  • Head office understands the what’s happening

    Do people think Medical Protection Society head office understands what's happening where they work?

    Most people think head office understands what’s happening where they work.

    How we know this

    55% of people think that this employer’s head office or owners have a good understanding of what’s really happening where they work.

    Based on data from 11 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between June 2022 and February 2024.

    Why this matters

    At a good job, the role of head office should be to support the people on the frontline serving customers.

    To do that properly, the company’s owners or head office need to have a good understanding of what’s really happening on the frontline. This is especially important when a company owns multiple locations.

How Medical Protection Society ranks

Medical Protection Society ranks joint 13th to work for out of charities.

  1. 13= Together For Mental Wellbeing
  2. 13= Medical Protection Society
  3. 16= Refuge

Rankings are based on Breakroom Ratings for employers with 5 or more Breakroom Quiz responses, accurate as of 9 December 2024.

Medical Protection Society job reviews

  • Best thing

    Providing clients with advice and achieving good resolutions

    Worst thing

    Operational management


    Medical Protection Society Employee, September 2023

  • Best thing

    Talking to our members. Working hours are 3 shifts 8-4.30, 9-5,30 & 10-6,30

    Worst thing

    DS&S is a very hard and complex role, it takes years to understand, learn and even pronounce medical and dental terms.

    The wage is just above minimum and we have heavy workloads.


    Medical Protection Society Customer advisor, June 2022