Miller’s Vanguard
Uh oh. Miller’s Vanguard hasn’t committed to creating great jobs yet.
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DismissMiller’s Vanguard supplies and maintains equipment used in the food service industry. based on 9 employees who took the Breakroom Quiz
How Miller’s Vanguard ranks
Miller’s Vanguard ranks 73rd to work for out of business services.
- 72 Selecta
- 73 Miller’s Vanguard
- 74= Beaumont UK
Rankings are based on Breakroom Ratings for employers with 5 or more Breakroom Quiz responses, accurate as of 6 February 2025.
Miller’s Vanguard job reviews
Best thing
Sometimes get treats/snacks
Worst thing
Toxic Culture
Micro managed
Unhappy workers
No praiseMiller’s Vanguard Administrator, April 2024
Best thing
In my case the beautiful scenery
Worst thing
Everything is stacked against you for progression. Takes years to try and get paid what you're worth
Miller’s Vanguard Employee, December 2023