Helping Hands

Claimed profile

Good news! Helping Hands has claimed their Breakroom profile.

They care about what their frontline employees think and want to be a good employer.


Helping Hands is a care provider. They offer live-in, visiting and home care services.

What's the average pay for a carer at Helping Hands?

The average pay for a care assistant at Helping Hands is between £12.00 and £14.54 per hour.

The top paying employers for care workers and assistants are NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Aberdeenshire Council and Alcedo Care.

Last updated 6 February 2025

What is the Real Living Wage?

The Real Living Wage is a voluntary rate employers can sign up to that is based on the real cost of living.

Location Real Living Wage
London £13.85
Rest of the UK £12.60

What is the legal minimum wage?

The minimum wage is the legal minimum you must be paid per hour.

Age group Legal minimum wage
21 or older £11.44
18-20 £8.60
Under 18 £6.40
Apprentices £6.40

How we know this

Based on data from 54 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between February 2023 and February 2025.

Who pays care workers and assistants the most?

Jobs at Helping Hands

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What are care workers and assistants saying about pay at Helping Hands?

  • Best thing

    It's good pay and im with an easy client

    Worst thing

    Lack of communication from the management etc


    Helping Hands Employee, January 2021

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