Emma Bridgewater

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Emma Bridgewater is a ceramics manufacturer. The specialise in earthenware tableware. They open their factory to the public for classes and tours and operate a restaurant for visitors.


Rating based on 13 employees who took the Breakroom Quiz

About jobs at Emma Bridgewater


    Needs improving
  • Most people don’t get paid breaks

    Do workers at Emma Bridgewater get paid breaks?

    No. Most people don’t get paid breaks.

    How we know this

    70% of people say they don’t get paid breaks.

    Based on data from 10 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between July 2022 and July 2024.

    Why this matters

    A good job should have paid breaks.

    You should be paid for all your time at work, whether you’re on a break or not.

  • Okay
  • Some people do unpaid extra work

    Do workers at Emma Bridgewater do extra work that they don't get paid for?

    Sometimes. Some people do unpaid extra work.

    How we know this

    40% of people report that they do extra work that they don’t get paid for.

    Based on data from 10 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between July 2022 and July 2024.

    Why this matters

    Everyone should get paid for any extra work they do, even if it is outside your contracted hours. At a good job, you should be paid for all the time you spend at work.

Hours and flexibility

  • Most people don’t worry about their hours

    Do workers at Emma Bridgewater worry about hours?

    Most people don’t worry about getting enough hours.

    How we know this

    100% of people report they don’t worry about getting enough hours.

    Based on data from 10 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between July 2022 and July 2024.

    Why this matters

    At a good job, you shouldn’t have to worry about getting enough hours each week.

    A good job should guarantee you a minimum number of hours in a contract, if you want it.

    This makes it easier to plan your finances, because you know how much you’ll be earning.

  • Good
  • Shifts don’t get changed at short notice

    Do Emma Bridgewater managers change shifts at short notice?

    Most managers don’t change people’s shifts at short notice.

    How we know this

    70% of people say their manager doesn’t changes their shifts at the last minute.

    Based on data from 10 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between July 2022 and July 2024.

    Why this matters

    If your manager is often changing your shifts at short notice that’s a sign of poor planning. At a good job you won’t be messed around at the last minute.


  • Most people feel treated with respect

    Do people at Emma Bridgewater feel treated with respect by their managers?

    Most people feel treated with respect by their managers.

    How we know this

    70% of people say they’re treated with respect by their managers.

    Based on data from 10 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between July 2022 and July 2024.

    Why this matters

    Everyone should get treated with respect by their managers. You shouldn’t feel discriminated against or bullied, and if you have a problem you should be able to speak to someone about it.

  • Needs improving
  • Most people are stressed

    Is it stressful to work at Emma Bridgewater?

    Most people feel stressed here.

    How we know this

    70% of people say they often feel stressed at work.

    Based on data from 10 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between July 2022 and July 2024.

    Why this matters

    Work isn’t always easy, but if you’re frequently feel stressed, that’s not good.

    Your employer should support you with enough people and resources to get your job done without feeling overwhelmed.

  • Okay
  • Only some people recommend their team

    Do people at Emma Bridgewater recommend working with their team?

    Only some people recommend working with their team.

    How we know this

    60% of people report that they wouldn’t recommend working with their immediate team to a friend.

    Based on data from 10 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between July 2022 and July 2024.

    Why this matters

    A good job means enjoying the place where you work.

    The people you work with every day really matter. They can be the difference between a terrible day and a great one.

    If you’d recommend your team to a friend, this shows that something’s going right.

  • Good
  • Most people get enough training

    Do people get enough training when they start at Emma Bridgewater?

    Most people got enough training when they started.

    How we know this

    70% of people report they got enough training when they started working here.

    Based on data from 10 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between July 2022 and July 2024.

    Why this matters

    A good job should give you good training when you start, not just drop you in at the deep end.

    This means that you’ll be happier and more productive from day one and shows that your employer values you.

    It’s also very important if your job involves anything that could be dangerous. Good training from the outset keeps you and your team safe.

Handy to know

How are people paid?

By the hour 100% of people report they get paid by the hour.

Based on 10 Emma Bridgewater employees

What contracts are people on?

Full time 90% report having full time contracts. (more than 35 hours)

Based on 10 Emma Bridgewater employees