Carphone Warehouse

This employer has merged with Currys

Carphone Warehouse is a mobile phone retailer. They operate in the UK and Ireland.

Do Carphone Warehouse pay breaks?

No. Most people don’t get paid breaks at Carphone Warehouse.

Technology Retailers who pay breaks include Canon, Richer Sounds and Sky.

Last updated 2 August 2022

How we know this

Based on data from 13 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between October 2020 and August 2022.

92% of people say they don’t get paid breaks.

Why this matters

A good job should have paid breaks.

You should be paid for all your time at work, whether you’re on a break or not.

Which technology retailers pay breaks?

Jobs at Carphone Warehouse

See more jobs at Carphone Warehouse

Jobs where breaks are paid

What people are saying about sick pay at Carphone Warehouse

  • Best thing

    Christmas and new year off
    Staff were friendly
    Discount in currys

    Worst thing

    They took away the bonus structure so impossible to get one.
    Took paid breaks off us.
    Took holiday and present on our birthday off us.
    Took 30% mobile phone contract discount of us.
    Stopped sending us to a 3 day expenses paid training course.

    Merged with Dixon’s fully


    Carphone Warehouse Customer advisor, February 2022

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