Brighton & Hove Buses

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Brighton & Hove Buses is a bus operator. They run the majority of the bus services across Brighton and Hove.

What's the average pay for a bus driver at Brighton & Hove Buses?

The average pay for a bus driver at Brighton & Hove Buses is between £14.55 and £17.82 per hour.

The top paying employers for bus and coach drivers are Metroline, Go Ahead London and Brighton & Hove Buses.

Last updated 25 November 2024

What is the Real Living Wage?

The Real Living Wage is a voluntary rate employers can sign up to that is based on the real cost of living.

Location Real Living Wage
London £13.85
Rest of the UK £12.60

What is the legal minimum wage?

The minimum wage is the legal minimum you must be paid per hour.

Age group Legal minimum wage
21 or older £11.44
18-20 £8.60
Under 18 £6.40
Apprentices £6.40

How we know this

Based on data from 16 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between February 2023 and November 2024.

Who pays bus and coach drivers the most?

What are bus and coach drivers saying about pay at Brighton & Hove Buses?

  • Best thing

    Weekly pay, heavily unionised workforce, free travel and company sick pay (80%)

    Worst thing

    Severe lack of communication. Total disregard for staff welfare. Holiday is allocated on a rota. Unusually high percentage of bigoted colleagues. Obvious culture of nepotism/teachers pet.


    Brighton & Hove Buses Bus driver, May 2023

  • Best thing

    The pay.

    Worst thing

    Company is awful, how industry itself needs sorting out. Shift pattern on rota very poor and not a lot of time for your social life. Unable to book holiday as all pre allocated and hard to swap shifts..


    Brighton & Hove Buses Bus driver, February 2023

  • Best thing

    The pay and no two days are the same.

    Worst thing

    Dealing with rude and problem passengers. Trying to avoid crazy cyclists and moped delivery drivers.


    Brighton & Hove Buses PCV driver, February 2021

  • Best thing


    Worst thing

    Shifts (early/late) time off


    Brighton & Hove Buses Bus driver, February 2021

  • Best thing

    I get out and about and meet people from all walks of life.
    I feel the pay is ok

    Worst thing

    Erratic shift patterns is tiring


    Brighton & Hove Buses Bus driver, September 2020

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