Altas Facilities Management
Uh oh. Altas Facilities Management hasn’t committed to creating great jobs yet.
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DismissAltas Facilities Management provides cleaning, security, pest control and maintenance services.
atlasfm.comRating based on 13 employees who took the Breakroom Quiz
How Altas Facilities Management ranks
Altas Facilities Management ranks 88th to work for out of facilities management firms.
- 81= Ground Control
- 88 Altas Facilities Management
- 89 Kingdom
Rankings are based on Breakroom Ratings for employers with 5 or more Breakroom Quiz responses, accurate as of 1 December 2024.
Altas Facilities Management job reviews
Best thing
I get payed well for the overtime
Worst thing
I have to work overtime to make ends meet.
Altas Facilities Management Electrician, July 2022
Best thing
I am left to get on with my job
Worst thing
Not enough hours
Altas Facilities Management Employee, February 2021