AG Barr

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AG Barr are a drinks manufacturer whose brands include IrnBru and Rubicon.

Rating based on 15 employees who took the Breakroom Quiz

About jobs at AG Barr


  • Only some people are paid market rates

    Do AG Barr pay market rates?

    Only some people are paid above average for their job.

    How we know this

    50% of people are paid below average for the type of work they do.

    Based on data from 10 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between June 2022 and March 2024.

    Why this matters

    Pay can vary a lot between types of job. Employers should be ensuring that the rates their staff are paid are in line with similar roles elsewhere.

  • Needs improving
  • Most people don’t get paid breaks

    Do workers at AG Barr get paid breaks?

    No. Most people don’t get paid breaks.

    How we know this

    80% of people say they don’t get paid breaks.

    Based on data from 10 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between April 2023 and July 2024.

    Why this matters

    A good job should have paid breaks.

    You should be paid for all your time at work, whether you’re on a break or not.

Hours and flexibility

  • Easy to book holiday

    How easy is it to book a holiday at AG Barr?

    Most people find it easy to book holiday.

    How we know this

    90% of people report it’s easy to book holidays.

    Based on data from 10 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between April 2023 and July 2024.

    Why this matters

    A good job should let you take time off when you need it, and it shouldn’t be a nightmare to arrange.


  • Some people are stressed

    Is it stressful to work at AG Barr?

    Some people feel stressed here.

    How we know this

    50% of people say they often feel stressed at work.

    Based on data from 10 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between April 2023 and July 2024.

    Why this matters

    Work isn’t always easy, but if you’re frequently feel stressed, that’s not good.

    Your employer should support you with enough people and resources to get your job done without feeling overwhelmed.

  • Good
  • Most people recommend their team

    Do people at AG Barr recommend working with their team?

    Most people recommend working with their team.

    How we know this

    90% of people report that they would recommend working with their immediate team to a friend.

    Based on data from 10 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between April 2023 and July 2024.

    Why this matters

    A good job means enjoying the place where you work.

    The people you work with every day really matter. They can be the difference between a terrible day and a great one.

    If you’d recommend your team to a friend, this shows that something’s going right.

  • Needs improving
  • Most people don’t get enough training

    Do people get enough training when they start at AG Barr?

    Most people did’t get enough training when they started.

    How we know this

    90% of people report they didn’t get enough training when they started working here.

    Based on data from 10 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between April 2023 and July 2024.

    Why this matters

    A good job should give you good training when you start, not just drop you in at the deep end.

    This means that you’ll be happier and more productive from day one and shows that your employer values you.

    It’s also very important if your job involves anything that could be dangerous. Good training from the outset keeps you and your team safe.

How AG Barr ranks

AG Barr ranks joint 59th to work for out of food and drink producers.

  1. 55= British Sugar
  2. 59= AG Barr
  3. 59= COOK

Rankings are based on Breakroom Ratings for employers with 5 or more Breakroom Quiz responses, accurate as of 9 September 2024.