Active Tameside
Uh oh. Active Tameside hasn’t committed to creating great jobs yet.
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DismissActive Tameside is a Trust which runs and manages swimming pools and sports centres in the Tameside area.
activetameside.comRating based on 12 employees who took the Breakroom Quiz
About jobs at Active Tameside
Most people don’t do unpaid extra work
Do workers at Active Tameside do extra work that they don't get paid for?
Rarely. Most people don’t do unpaid extra work.
How we know this
90% of people report that they don’t do extra unpaid work.Based on data from 10 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between July 2022 and January 2024.
Why this matters
Everyone should get paid for any extra work they do, even if it is outside your contracted hours. At a good job, you should be paid for all the time you spend at work.
Needs improving
Most people are stressed
Is it stressful to work at Active Tameside?
Most people feel stressed here.
How we know this
100% of people say they often feel stressed at work.Based on data from 10 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between July 2022 and January 2024.
Why this matters
Work isn’t always easy, but if you’re frequently feel stressed, that’s not good.
Your employer should support you with enough people and resources to get your job done without feeling overwhelmed.
Needs improving
Most people don’t recommend their team
Do people at Active Tameside recommend working with their team?
Not many people recommend working with their team.
How we know this
70% of people report that they wouldn’t recommend working with their immediate team to a friend.Based on data from 10 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between July 2022 and January 2024.
Why this matters
A good job means enjoying the place where you work.
The people you work with every day really matter. They can be the difference between a terrible day and a great one.
If you’d recommend your team to a friend, this shows that something’s going right.
Needs improving
Most people don’t get enough training
Do people get enough training when they start at Active Tameside?
Most people did’t get enough training when they started.
How we know this
80% of people report they didn’t get enough training when they started working here.Based on data from 10 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between July 2022 and January 2024.
Why this matters
A good job should give you good training when you start, not just drop you in at the deep end.
This means that you’ll be happier and more productive from day one and shows that your employer values you.
It’s also very important if your job involves anything that could be dangerous. Good training from the outset keeps you and your team safe.
Needs improving
Most people don’t feel well informed by head office
Do workers feel well informed about how Active Tameside is doing?
Most people don’t feel well informed about how the company is doing.
How we know this
70% of people feel that they aren’t kept well informed about how the company is doing as a whole.Based on data from 10 people who took the Breakroom Quiz between July 2022 and January 2024.
Why this matters
At a good job, there should be a supportive relationship between the people working on the frontline serving customers and the people who own the company or work in head office.
You should be kept informed about how the company is doing as a whole, both in good times and when things get tough for the business.
How Active Tameside ranks
Active Tameside ranks joint 62nd to work for out of gym and leisure centres.
- 62= SLL
- 62= Active Tameside
- 64= Goals Football
Rankings are based on Breakroom Ratings for employers with 5 or more Breakroom Quiz responses, accurate as of 10 September 2024.
Active Tameside job reviews
Best thing
Good if young or just started in industry
Worst thing
Terrible management
Active Tameside Fitness instructor, January 2024
Best thing
It's consistent with activity times and the regular customers.
Worst thing
You are treated badly by customers. Staff are very gossipy.
HR doesn't respond to emails and don't put in place things for disabilities.Active Tameside Lifeguard, November 2022
Handy to know
How are people paid?
Based on 10 Active Tameside employees
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