What is the Breakroom Quiz?
Did you know that 20% of ads didn’t even include rates of pay?
Looking for a job is hard. It's made harder by the fact you can't always find out the information you want to know about a job easily.
Does the job pay breaks?
Are the shifts flexible?
Is it good for students?
How much do they pay?
We made the Breakroom quiz to tell you what job ads don't!
Is the Breakroom Quiz legit?

Yes! We built a simple 30-question quiz so you can share anonymously what your job is really like.
We also give you your own Breakroom Score to compare against other employers.
All of your answers are anonymised and we don't share any personal data so you can never be identified.
We use that information to help workers understand what a job is really like and help them find better jobs. You can see the results on Breakroom and across our social media too...
If you have a question for Breakroom why not reach out to us on social and ask?
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*Reviews and ratings are accurate as of 7th October 2022.
** Rankings based on employers with over 30 independent responses
Number of Breakroom Quizzes updated 2 February 2024
If you haven't taken our quiz yet you can take it here
If you are looking for a new job you can search for a good one here
Last updated on 2 February 2024