Did you know 160 parcels are generated every second in the UK?* 📦
That’s 14 million per day. 😮 The UK takes the crown for most parcels per person in the world 🥇
Delivering this number of packages requires a lot of staff, with new roles being advertised frequently.
While most people have an opinion on their favourite courier service, have you ever wondered what it’s really like to work there?
Over 200k frontline workers have told us about their jobs and what it’s really like working there. With this, we’re able to accurately rank the best and worst delivery companies in the UK to work for.
Who’s at the top?
The top spot went to Royal Mail 📮
Royal Mail has been established since 1516 😱 and they are clearly doing something right. Because not only do customers think they are the best delivery company but so do their employees! 👍
The bottom spot was Hermes 📦
Coming in last was Hermes. Hermes is falling way behind when it comes to employee wellbeing. 👎
Let’s compare the two...

8. Hermes (score 4.9)
Best thing: Very flexible hours, very local to me, working outdoors, love my customers
Worst thing: No holidays, no sick pay, no breaks, low wages , parcel rate cuts every year, no health and safety, work 6 days a week.
Find out more about working at Hermes
7. Yodel (score 5.3)
Best thing: Meeting new people. Everyday is different.
Worst thing: Early starts, never know what time I’m going finish, stress, lack of understanding from manager and there’s no positivity
Find out more about working at Yodel
6. DPD (score 5.5)
Best thing: Good banter with colleagues
Worst thing: It’s the night shifts are unsociable and it’s a very hard job as in physical lifting parcels to and from the different areas in the warehouse
Find out more about working at DPD
5. DHL (score 6.2)
Best thing: Being left alone to do your job
Worst thing: Work load, health and safety. Lack of duty of care. Injuries.
Find out more about working at DHL
3. Parcelforce Worldwide (score 6.4)
Best thing: Working alone, outdoors in a fantastic location
Worst thing: Can be busy, heavy parcels and shifts can change quickly
Find out more about working at Parcelforce
3. FedEx (score 6.4)
Best thing: Working under own initiative and meeting people all day
Worst thing: Lack of communication from management
Find out more about working at FedEx
2. UPS (score 6.5)
Best thing: Good friendly environment, great pay, hours are good not too early
Worst thing: No point of doing better than anyone else because nobody will recognise the effort
Find out more about working at UPS
1. Royal Mail (score 6.6)
Best thing: Teamwork, good hourly rate, fresh air, beautiful scenery exercise and good customers.
Worst thing: Being overloaded and pressured to go faster. Having to ask to finish on time, being expected to take extra work every shift. Bringing mail back.
Find out more about working at Royal Mail
Looking at delivery driving jobs we know the following:
The good 👍
67% say they enjoy their job
65% feel they get enough training
52% don’t feel stressed
75% say they feel safe at work
81% say it’s good whilst you’re studying
The bad 👎
78% say they don’t get paid breaks
66% say there’s no career progression
42% say they get their shifts one week or less in advance
71% don’t get sick pay
71% say they are paid below-market rates
Find out how your job scores!
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We believe that everyone should have the right to know what a place is really like before they start. So share your review, and see how it compares.
Did you know 160 parcels are generated every second in the UK?*
* Results based on Breakroom ratings for employers with more than 30 responses, as of March 2022
Published on 2 March 2022