What makes us different to other job comparison sites?

Of course, there are other job review sites out there. But Breakroom is the first to be completely powered by the people who work there.Â
We give you full transparency of the role with honest and unbiased reviews. On important things like shift notice, salary, sickness pay, overtime pay, salary and workplace stress.
We can tell you the ratio of your job tasks, the best and worst companies in your preferred industry and the realities of the industry as a whole. The good, the ok and the bad.Â
How we compare to other job sites, like GlassdoorÂ
Breakroom is unique because we tell you exactly what the job is going to be like, from the people who are doing the job themselves. So, you have a much more accurate view of the role you’re going to be doing. Full transparency.Â
To understand the difference and unique value that Breakroom offers to you the candidate, let’s explore the differences between other popular job comparison sites. Let’s take Glassdoor as an example:
Breakroom Vs GlassdoorÂ
On Breakroom and Glassdoor you can see the following:
Employer overviewÂ
A ratingÂ
A job descriptionÂ
The additional information Breakroom offers:
A breakdown of work tasks
Shift informationÂ
Industry average pay
Break information (for example are they paid or not)
Training information (whether you get enough)
Whether the current employees feel like their manager respects them
With job comparison sites like Glassdoor, their score is based on subjective opinion. This means they have a lot of people who will, unfortunately, take their frustrations out on a company once they’ve left. Which doesn’t give you the candidate the best view of what it’s really like to work there.Â
With the Breakroom rating, it’s not about reactive reviews and more about the unbiased things that make a good job. This gives us the following information about a company:Â

With this additional information, people can see what a job is really like from the people who actually work there. Not from the HR departments running the job ads.Â
Having full transparency of a job role and understanding the ratio of tasks and responsibilities from the beginning of the application is key to finding the right job for you.Â
You don’t want to start a job, just to be back scrolling through job ads a few weeks later when you realise the job wasn’t what you expected.Â
What is the Breakroom mission?Â
At Breakroom, we believe that everyone deserves a good job. We also believe that every job can be one. For too long frontline workers in hourly roles, such as retail, hospitality, logistics and care have been overlooked. Especially during the pandemic, when they were the ones who helped keep the country going.Â
Now is the time to stand up and show those in hourly work that they deserve better jobs. One that is right for them.Â
Whether it’s getting enough shift notice, paid breaks, paid sick days or earning the Real Living Wage. Breakroom is trying to make the world a more equal place one job at a time.Â
We put the power in the employee's hands when looking for a job. Simply put, we’re only happy when you’re happy.Â
So how do we do that?Â
We’re all about you, the employee. We understand that everyone has their own ideal job that suits their lifestyle. But you should also be fully aware of what a job is really like before you apply.
This is why we surveyed over 225,000 frontline workers to find out what their jobs are actually like. The largest survey of its kind.Â
With this information, you can see what a job is like from the people who work there before you apply. Not just what’s on the job spec.Â
This means you can work out if the job is right for you, right from the beginning. You might need something more flexible due to studies or parental/caring commitments. You might want a job that doesn’t involve you standing on your feet all day long. Whatever you need it’s better to have full transparency now than when you’ve already started working there. By finding out what a job is really like before you apply or start you’ll be much happier and more likely to want to stay and progress within that role.
We match you with jobs that are better for you. Jobs that are ideal for you, the job seeker.Â
You deserve a good job, and to be happy in a role that suits your lifestyle.Â
Let Breakroom help you find the right job for you here.Â
Good luck!
Published on 30 March 2022